Oh fucking hell

Leaving destruction in their wake
Powell: US will pull troops out this year
Thank you America. Thank you for getting the War on Terror all wrong. Thank you for making the rest of the world despise you. Thank you for ruining lives of National Guard soldiers whose only wish was to help at home and get some education at the same time. Thank you for stuffing the portfolio of Dick Cheney with non-bid contracts for Haliburton. Thank you for the latest "Soldier of Fortune" delights. Thank you for defiling the name of Christianity in the worst way since the Crusades. Thank you for using the TWAT (Total War on Terror) in a purely partisan way - but hell what would we expect...I mean the lack of those evil commies is crimping your defense budget justifications. Thank you for the plundering of thousands of years of history. Thank you for being as transparent about your true motives as a brick wall. Thank you for spitting on the hard working soldiers who are only doing their jobs - supporting the troops my ass. Thank you Mr. Bush for not reading history - maybe you'd have understood that the Brits, Ottomans, Mongols and others didn't defeat the cultures at the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers - take a number and wait in the queue. Thank you American liberal hawks - boy I bet you feel a right bunch of charlies. Thank you American opposition for not sticking it to the Bush cabal every single moment of every single day. Thank you American media (I'm lookin' at you CNN - trusted voice in journalism? More like stenography) for losing your teeth and interest in covering political scandal and fellating the Whitehouse like it's an episode of Sesame Street for Grownups. Thank you America for your kangaroo court capture and trial of Saddam Hussein. Thank you America for your reduction of women's rights in Iraq. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Now for you who have gotten this far go back and replace "thank" with "fuck"
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