Bush details Qaeda hijack plot to use shoe bombs
Dear Mr. Bush:
For 2500 years the world has warned us against petulant little boys who don't tell the truth, and the consequences that their message becomes white noise.
Oh where to start...
Mr. Bush, you were wrong about the August 6th 2001 Daily Brief when you were told you would be attacked, you were wrong about Saddam having Weapons of Mass Destruction, you were wrong about the Iraqis accepting you with flowers and chocolates, you were wrong about your mission being accomplished, you were wrong on so many occasions with your terror warning in the last election cycle, you were wrong about the amount of times you wiretapped Americans.
So why should we believe you now?
Shoe bombing threats? I've taken off my shoes at various global airports over the last few years.
But what about the people who might have bombs in their jockstraps?

Or what about beautiful women who might actually be fembots with poisonous gas nozzles located under their push-up bras?

Should we just require people to now go through airport security naked?

I'm sure there would be heads exploding across America of people who believe the "terrists" are out to get them, but that the naked human form is two steps from the lowest level of Hell. After the Adult Film Industry awards or the Erotic Tradeshows, or after College Spring break or fresh after a party on South Beach, I'm sure there would be plenty of men (and buxom women) talking about their missiles of mass destruction.
Oh and by the way George, have you found and fired the leaker of covert CIA spy names in your whitehouse yet? And what happened to that "dead or alive" speech you gave 4.5 years ago for Mr. Bin Laden?
Anyway George, glad to see you got put back in your bubble so quickly after you got your ass handed to you at Ms. King's funeral.
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